precure is a magical girl show that first aired febuary 1st, 2004, with its first season Futari wa Pretty Cure (We Are Pretty Cure)! it aired for about a year, going through 96 episodes, before releasing its second season Futari wa Pretty Cure: Max Heart on febuary 6th, 2005. Pretty Cure (Precure for short) would continue to use the formula of two middle school girls with opposite traits gaining magical traits with Pretty Cure Splash Star. that was, until, febuary 4th, 2007, when Yes! Pretty Cure 5 aired. this time, it wasn't just two girls with opposing colors-- it was 6, all with their own unique color and theme. it aired for a second season the next year with Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo!
Futari wa Precure follows a duo of middle school girls-- Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro, who are given the power of transforming into Pretty Cure, the "Ambassadors of Light", Cure Black and Cure White. theyre tasked with collecting the legendary Prism Stones to restore the Garden of Light, all the while fighting off the evil Dark Zone. season 2 (dubbed Max Heart) adds another character, Hikari Kujou, aka Shiny Luminos, who's revealed to have the Queen's life inside of her. the three of them, together, work together to revive the Queen and defeat Dark Zone once and for all!
Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash☆Star features Hyuuga Saki and Mishou Mai, two girls who met at the age of nine under a specific tree. together, five years later, they meet in the exact same spot, and are chosen by the spirts of the flowers and birds to become precure-- Cure Blossom and Cure Egret, and battle against the evil organization, Dark Fall. together, they help the fairies Flappy and Choppy to save their world-- the Land of Fountains.