~the dream zone~
dear diary... today an airplane passed by over by the in-patient wing!!! it was so loud and it hurt my ears a lot but it was so cool!!! it looked like i could touch it... other than that not much :/ i found out that birds and butterflies and planes all fly the same way but planes have big things that make wind and dont flap their wings... boringggg -.- i also drew some pictures!!!! sighhhh but other than that nothing... oh well, theres alwayz tmrrw!!!!!!!!!
dear diary... ughhh theres nothing 2 doooo!!! i found a game calld minesweepr on da computer but itz so confusing to learn @.@ i wish there waz some way 2 figure out da rulez!!!1!11!! so i got upset and went 2 go draw but i coudlnt think uv anything 2 draw -_- all tha roomz here r white!! wherez teh color!!!!! if i culd redesign this place i would give it so many colorz and pictures on teh wallz :DDD
dear diary... woah i figured out how 2 make a digital guest book 2day!!!!!!!!!!!! ims so so excited now ppl can talk 2 me and send me questiosn and ill learn so many new names!!!!!!! and make friends!!!!!!!!! wow,,,,,dats gonna b so cool,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,iv only had 1 friend b4 so maybe i should find a book on how to have friends?? im probz no good at it yet... Ava said that practice makes perfect tho so ill just have to practice lots and lotz and lots!!!!!!
dear diary... waahhhim so angry all of a sudden why!!!!!idek wut im angry @ rn its so confuzing!!!!!! ughhhit makes me feel like i wanna tear up all my drawigns of me and Kaylee :((( i dont wanna do that!!!!!!! but maybe i do.... shes been gone for so long D:
dear diary... i found some old newspapers in a trashbin!!!!! i wonder if i can use it for anything... oh also i had 2 get surgery 2day -_- i got another wire so now i have 6 of them blehhhh -_- i had to recover 4 like so many hourz!!i actually dont kno, itz hard to keep track ov time -.- but either way itz so annoyinggggg liek surely one is enough to keep me alive!!! i used 2 only have 1,,,,
dear diary... I FOUND SOME OV MY OLD DRAWINGZ!!! :DDDDD theyr back from wen i was 9 i think..? so none of them have Kaylee yet ^.^ but theyr still coolz!!! i cant remember mcuh of anything b4 kaylee left anywayz so itz nice to be able 2 look at theez again :3
dear diary... ughhhh my hair keeps getting caught in doors n stuff -.- itz so annoynig!!! but i dont rlly feel liek cutting it,,,